About Us

In the Beginning

About Us

How We Roll

About Us

Beach Party

Over the last few years we have seen a huge change in the game of golf. A new segment of golfers who have discovered the joys of the sport and being outdoors in ways they previously had not experienced.  They are more relaxed and more open-minded than the golfers in the past. 

Golf courses and country clubs followed suit realizing they need to be inclusive to attract this new breed of golfers vs. being exclusive like they had in the past.

This is the new world of golf.  Playing music on Bluetooth speakers, crushing beverages, having GPS watches for instant yardage, watching golf podcasts, etc.  These new golfers are going to have fun no matter what. 

We created Vitamin G to match this new energy in the game we love, the positive feeling and vibe you get when you are out on the golf course with your friends having a blast.  We believe the proper amount of Vitamin G helps all of us maintain a healthy emotional balance and live a better life. 
Everyone needs a dose of Vitamin G!